Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blog 19: Independent Component 2

(a) I, Gabriela Murillo, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

(b) My sources were my mentor, Jose Murillo, and a book called "Hey Whipple, Squeeze This" by Luke Sullivan.

(c) Provided a digital spreadsheet (aka log of the 30 hours).

(d) What I completed over the course of two months was creating a new way to advertise for Brothers Precesion through light-up pens. I first had to order light- up pens (100 pens in total). I created a price list that Brothers Precision provides, then I called printing companies to determine and compare  which one would be affordable to us. Each pen would be $3 with the printed name of the company and everything. So the total cost was around $300 for a set of pens.


This independent component helped me answer my EQ in a variety of ways. It taught me a new creative way to advertise for a company. So far, the clients that we've passed them out to really love them and that as an advertiser is an achievement. It also taught me how hard it is to make a business deal happen, there were many speed bumps throughout the way, with the printing and pen companies but I was able to deal with it and make a deal concrete like a "professional." The experience was challenging but yet fun, and through the stressful times my mentor helped me focus to through the difficult situations.

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