Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog 6: Second Interview Questions

1.  Who is your mentor and where do they work?

My next mentor is Jose Murillo and he works in Brothers Precision located in El Monte.

2.  What five questions will ask them about their background?

  • Where specifically did you study and in what field?
  • Was studying for this career easy to work with meaning, were you able to have a side job?
  • How and at what age did you start your business?
  • Explain where you have worked before , was it the same field of Advertising and Business?
  • What made you so passionate about this career?
  • Do you recommend this career to me? Why? 

1 comment:

  1. 2. Clarify
    3. In what other fields have you worked? How did they prepare you for advertising and business? Have you worked in the same field for a different company?
